Here’s Coke’s solution to the “social media problem” – yes indeed, get your head out of the phone! Nice… (Source)
10 Most Popular @GISuser Geotech Tweets of the week
There’s been loads of interesting geotech gems to share this week in the Twitter-sphere. On our @GISuser account we’ve had more than 100 retweets and replies to a number of the items shared. the following are 10 of the most popular Tweets we shared this week… enjoy! Don’t Care About Birds? You should… Why Birds […]
Vizify – Create an animated portrait of your Best Activity on Twitter from 2013
Ok Tweeters, here’s an awesome tool to help you create a fabulous recap of the BEST of your Twitter activity from 2013. Vizify munches and crunches your data producing a nice mashup of tweets, photos, and stats that you can then share with the World as we steamroll into 2014. Happy Tweeting and Happy New […]
Top 10 Tips For Socializing an Event from @guykawasaki
I’ve been a pretty decent fan of Guy Kawasaki for some time now… it likely goes back about 10 or 12 years when I met him at an event in Vancouver. I had a chat with him, exchanged contact info and we kept up periodic exchanges for a short time. I learned lots from his […]
Twitter Rolls Out Twitter SMS Alerts for Emergency Notification
Something new and of interest from Twitter this week as the company has now rolled out the Twitter Alert notification service. Twitter Alerts are an opt-in service where users can elect to receive “breaking” news and announcements from emergency notification services and accounts like FEMA, the USGS and other government agencies – I’m looking forward […]
GeoSocial Web Service Identifies and Maps Your Geolocated Tweets
Have you ever wondered just how many of your tweets have been geolocated, either on purpose or by accident? An interesting effort indeed as I’m sure this is a much larger issue than what you may have first thought. There’s no doubt that many people are accidentally providing geopositioning in their tweets and may not […]
Need GeoGeeks to Follow on Twitter? Here's a Top 100 List to Consider
Yaya, I know… top lists are subjective and all that stuff, however, you can’t argue with the fact that people really do dig lists and they can be pretty handy to get started with your research. Now I may be a little biased since I’m on the list (;0) but even still, this recently published […]
Social Media Tip – Don't Miss that Important Tweet Again
Here’s something that I’m sure almost everyone can relate to. There’s a periodic meetup in your neighborhood or community, however, the schedule isn’t fixed to any regular pattern. You try to subscribe to important mailing lists, RSS feeds, facebook pages, Twitter accounts, you load your Google calendar with feeds but you seem to still miss […]
Lessons in Location Privacy and Twitter – Sharing Who, Where, and When
Would you post a tweet that read “I’m going to be at XXX place on 4th Ave. in the corner table at 6:15 PM tonight”… I doubt you would, however, contests on Twitter are encouraging people to do exactly that! Privacy and social media seem to be on the minds of many, however, for the […]
The Geography of Hate Maps Geotagged Hateful Tweets
A few days ago I sent out a tweet about some Interesting research from HSU (Humboldt State) on the geography of hate and the Hate Map of racist and homophobic tweets – interesting to see that today the maps seems to be going viral on Twitter. The map from Humboldt State U shows what they […]