A few days ago I sent out a tweet about some Interesting research from HSU (Humboldt State) on the geography of hate and the Hate Map of racist and homophobic tweets – interesting to see that today the maps seems to be going viral on Twitter. The map from Humboldt State U shows what they have termed the Geography of Hate, an interesting look at data from Twitter (scraping geotagged tweets) that report to tweet out racist, homophobic and other terms that one may include in a group of “hate tweets”. The map is very red and apparently the entire US east of the Mississippi seems to be full of “haters”…

The HAte Map
About the project… The data behind this map is based on every geocoded tweet in the United States from June 2012 – April 2013 containing one of the ‘hate words’. This equated to over 150,000 tweets and was drawn from the DOLLY project based at the University of Kentucky. Because algorithmic sentiment analysis would automatically classify any tweet containing ‘hate words’ as “negative,” this project relied upon the HSU students to read the entirety of tweet and classify it as positive, neutral or negative based on a predefined rubric.
and Read all about the project and methodology at http://www.floatingsheep.org/