DENVER, Colorado, 5 February 2024 – TCarta Marine, a global provider of hydrospatial products and services, will conduct a week-long coastal bathymetric mapping workshop for hydrographic surveyors in Jamaica. The workshop will be hosted by the Jamaica National Land Agency (NLA) and funded by The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 project.
URISA’s 2012 Caribbean GIS Conference November 12-16, 2012 Montego Bay, Jamaica
URISA is pleased to announce its Sixth Caribbean GIS Conference taking place November 12-16, 2012 at the Hilton Rose Hall in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The conference features preconference training classes and workshops, important keynote addresses (Vanessa Lawrence – Ordnance Survey [virtual], Georg Gartner – President of the International Cartographic Association , and E.G. […]