YEs indeed the FME User Conference videos, more than 70 of them, are all online for your viewing pleasure! One of my favorite sessions at the event was delivered by Mark Laudon of the City of Surrey, B.C. Surrey is definitely a leader when it comes to open data and citizen engagement, although they are […]
Esri Connecting Citizens and business With Open Data
Recall it was in February (seems ages ago!) when Esri’s Andrew Turner (@ajturner) lifted the lid off the Esri Open Data initiative, and effort to help Governments meet their mandate to be more transparent and serve the public with more open data – enter ArcGIS Open Data. I’m a huge fan of such efforts, mainly […]
Obama's Plans for changing U.S. NSA intelligence practices in One Graphic
Loads of buzz today in the news and on social media as a result of the Commander in Chief addressing the nation on the topic of security and privacy. The speech was delivered against a background set by numerous proposals, including various bills in Congress and the recommendations of the president’s Review Group on Intelligence […]
Brazilian state Open data visualization tool – DataViva
The Brazilian state Minas Gerais has launched a new data visualization tool called DataViva, which is meant to help government officials, the private sector and Brazilian citizens understand big data. Although it is the product of a state government, DataViva covers the formal economy of all of Brazil. According to the a video introduction to […]
Mashing-up Opendata for a B.C Liquor Outlet Map with CartoDB
All the twitter chatter today from #FOSS4G and the hype surrounding CartoDB got me wanting to mashup some data with the awesome open Geo tools out there so I decided to go look for some data and see what I could come up with. It took me a few minutes by I managed to locate […]
Utah is Not Only Gorgeous But Their #OpenGov State Web Portal is Awesome!
Kudos to the State of Utah on their awesome web portal and for being recognized for excellence in web design and serving the population with an internet gateway that is complete awesome! The State was even recognized recently with a VEMA award for excellence – the VEMA Award recognizes outstanding work of the innovative, artistic, […]
2013 TIGER/Line Shapefiles from US Census Bureau
An update from the Census Bureau on the availability of the 2013 TIGER/Line files as all legal boundaries and names as of January 1, 2013 were released on August 22, 2013. About the data… The 2013 TIGER/Line Shapefiles contain 2010 Census geography and current geography for the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, […]
Project OpenData Adds OpenData Implementation Guide
The White House developed Project Open Data (See project OpenData on github) – this collection of code, tools, and case studies – to help agencies adopt the Open Data Policy and unlock the potential of government data. Project Open Data will evolve over time as a community resource to facilitate broader adoption of open data […]
Happy Birthday GRASS! Celebrating 30 years of GRASS GIS
Some cool news from the GRASS GIS development team as GRASS turns 30! Today the Free Software community celebrates the 30th birthday of GRASS GIS! GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a free and open source Geographic Information System (GIS) software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics and map […]
Update on Canada's Next Generation Open Data Portal
You may have heard or read recently that Canada has announced new/enhanced efforts in their position on Open government. This came in the form of a newly revised position and policy on OpenGov (see details) and an enhanced open government portal. The Open Data Portal is a one-stop shop for federal government data that can […]