The Esri Disaster Response Program supports communities during times of crisis, with maps and apps to help you visualize and analyze the situation.
To familiarize yourself with the program and the resources Esri will provide, tune in to the live training seminar Esri’s Disaster Response Program: Lessons Learned from Past Events on March 19, 2015.
You will find out how Esri, by providing your organization with software, data, maps, support, or assistance configuring ArcGIS, can help your community respond to a crisis. The presenters will share the lessons they’ve learned from past experiences supporting organizations as responded to wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. They will also tell you about map templates, apps, and other tools that have proved useful to government officials and responders, including impact summary maps and Esri Story Map Journal apps.
After viewing the seminar, you will understand how to
- Identify what critical information emergency responders need to make decisions during and immediately following a disaster or severe weather.
- Use emergency management information products created with ArcGIS to visualize a disaster, the impacted areas, and the important facts agencies and the public need to know.
- Use the ArcGIS tools and resources that Esri offers for disaster response.
- Quickly make a single web map that can power multiple disaster response apps.
Emergency management professionals who want to learn how to make maps and apps are encouraged to attend this seminar. The presentation also is geared to GIS analysts at emergency management agencies who support their communities during a disaster, and humanitarian aid workers who want to learn how GIS technology can support relief efforts.
You will need a broadband Internet connection and an Esri Account to watch the live training seminar. Creating an Esri Account is easy and free: visit, click Login at the top right, and register your name and e-mail address.
March 19, 2015
9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 3:00 p.m. (PDT)