There’s no arguing that the annual ESRIUC is a great networking opportunity, however, first and foremost, it’s a terrific educational experience. After several days my brain was swelling and over-flowing with information and me wondering how to digest it all! The opening plenary day at the annual ESRIUC is an interesting and motivating event indeed. The day is all about the road ahead for Esri users and hearing about the development and roadmap for ArcGIS and the user community. Many topics were covered during several hours of presentations and a number of interesting points were brought up. The following are but a few of the topics of interest that I felt were noteworthy and of interest to the ArcGIS user.
- All desktop users at 10.2 get an online subscription
- New apps at 10.2 including Data collector, explorer, dashboard – Enforcing the concept of web GIS apps
- What do I get with a desktop license? You get one subscription for one named user
- Esri is the biggest user of our own software
- Portal for ArcGIS coming soon for 10.2
- The new enables developers to register apps with the platform
- At 10.2 User experience is a focus area, including a new look and feel and one click access
- Esri mobile technologies support iOS, android, win 7/8, iOS, Linux win mobile
- Collector is Part of your ArcGIS online subscription
- Esri maps for office saw a new release at the end of June 2013
- Nokia HERE is an Esri platinum partner providing Real time data in 34 countries
- The Esri Mobile dev team is about 130 people
- Coming next in ArcGIS mobile full Windows 8 support
- Think of the Urban Observatory as Yif you are living in an app – the app is the info about the world and was Developed with the idea in mind that public information should be made publicly available!
- Imagine the challenges and opportunities that exist in India – population is growing at 8% annually; $100 billion in export expected to rise to $250bill by 2025 and there’s more than 900 million mobile phones in use!
- Story maps have become a new kind of medium
- A new pattern is emerging and there’s more collaboration, GIS is more accessible, becoming social and easier.
- ArcGIS Online is the Living Atlas! Content is essential in understanding our world
- ArcGIS desktop gets better at 10.2 – New stuff includes, better mapping and generalization, about 16 new tools, integration of big data and more analytics
- Portal for ArcGIS brings ArcGIS online on premise
- ArcGIS Professions is 64 bit, provides contextually aware tools, has a simplified UI, and has tight integration with ago and portal

See more from the ESRIUC in this special section