One amazing tool you can employ to help you stay on track is a website blocker. These programs will not stop you completely from using the internet, so you can still work online if your job requires it. Instead, a site blocker will only block specific websites that you know will throw you off your game. By using a website blocker for Chrome, you can stop yourself from using the websites that distract you from working the most. Most site blockers can also block apps, so if you find yourself scrolling and losing track of time, you will be able to prevent yourself from even opening Instagram or TikTok. Site blockers work in different ways; on some, you can set yourself a time limit for sites, and some will not let you go on them at all. Either way, you will be sending yourself a message: no more playing around until your work is done.
Focus timers are another great tool for working and studying. These timers are engineered to give you a certain amount of time to work, and a certain amount of time for a break. These work times and break times alternate to keep you focused during work times but always looking forward to your next break. This can be ideal for those who feel that they have short attention spans, or for individuals who like to work for a reward. Taking fun breaks every so often is a great way to balance hard work. Many focus timers also come with features like music or white noise to help bring you further into your concentration. Creating an ideal work environment is important to hone focus, and the timer will help you get everything aligned for a productive session.
Turning off notifications on your phone might feel like an obvious answer to concentration issues. It is the most basic thing you can do if you feel like you are always reaching for your phone when working gets tough. Switching off notifications will help you stay focused, and not let you get sidetracked by texts or your favorite apps. If you find yourself having FOMO from missed texts or know that you will get caught up in chatting with friends instead of completing your work, turning on “do not disturb” or turning off your phone completely is a great idea. If you need your phone for your job, setting up an app blocker might be the better solution.
To get in the zone and leave distractions behind, try out these techniques. Finish your work and forget the stress of always having something to do. It will make your time online even more fun.