When people decide to share images on the internet, one thing is so important that it should not be skipped. This thing is watermarking, as the likelihood of your work being stolen without any expression of admiration for your efforts is high. Adding a watermark in the form of a simple text or a logo is a necessity if you want your work to be safe or, at least, recognized.
Nowadays, everybody knows what watermarks are and how to create a basic one. However, when discussing numerous images and more complex and professionally looking watermarks, not everybody knows what to do and what the whole procedure should look like. However, watermarking 100 photos is not hard to execute, and many tools are available to add this extra protective layer to as many pictures as you want.
Watermarking tools
Watermarking tools are numerous and easily accessible online. They provide the fastest and most convenient way of batch watermarking photos. Nowadays, they also offer user-friendly interfaces, often with instructions on what to do and how, so using them is unproblematic.
An example of such a tool is Fotor, where you can load many photos and watermark them with just a few clicks. Many websites allow you to customize the text however you like, and this one does that, too. Of course, built-in options are available that allow you to edit the watermark, the text used in it, and the exact position you want the letters to be in or the font freely, and creating the watermark can even be called a pleasant experience.
After being created, the watermark can be rotated, put freely wherever you really want, or made more or less transparent, smaller, or bigger; every requirement you may have will probably be met. The positioning will be applied to all the images chosen by you, and you can always check how it looks on every picture before finally deciding on where to put it exactly.
After editing the watermark and its position, you can click one button, and the photos you upload will be watermarked and ready to be shared with the world.
Here, we have a guide on removing watermarks if you need to proceed the other way around.
Instant integration of watermarked photos with a website
Watermarking photos is a popular practice among many groups of people. What connects them is that they often own their own websites, and the watermarked photos will be used on them. Integrating hundreds of photos on a website after watermarking them does not sound fast or easy, and there are also tools available for web developers or website owners who need to work with massive numbers of images simultaneously.
One solution worth checking out is Uploadcare, which enables you to create, edit, and simultaneously apply a watermark to several images. Everything needed is included in Uploadcare’s offer, and all the options needed to customize a picture properly are provided and easy to use. Using the same tool, you can upload all the images to your website and be sure that your hard work will be safe and that no manual, strenuous actions will be necessary for the process.
Watermarking is a process that requires different tools and approaches depending on where you want to share your images. The steps that should be followed if you have your own website differ from those that should be followed if the photos are sent to somebody directly or if you upload the photos on a website owned by somebody else. However, it should always be stressed that if your photos are not protected with a watermark, they may get stolen or used somewhere else, and nobody would like to end up in a situation like this.
Watermarking multiple photos may seem overwhelming, but it can be done as easily as working with just a single image with the correct tools and approach. Website owners or developers also do not need to worry about uploading the images, as everything can be done using a single tool. No matter how unsettling a vision of watermarking and uploading numerous photos may be, with some knowledge, the process is neither complicated nor time-consuming. Good luck!