If you have more debt than you can handle, you are probably wondering if you should file for bankruptcy. After researching and identifying other debt-relief options, you are probably overwhelmed, and deciding whether to file seems more confusing.
So, can taking the bankruptcy quiz help you decide?
This article discusses how a should I file for bankruptcy quiz can help you estimate eligibility, discuss alternatives, show costs and go through advantages and disadvantages to help you make the most informed decision.
You need to meet the income qualification to be eligible to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Taking the bankruptcy quiz can help you see if you qualify or not. When determining your qualification, the quiz will ask about the state you live in, your household size, and your income. Based on the details you provide, the calculator will compare the output to the median income in your state to determine if you are eligible.
If you are not eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy via the should I file for bankruptcy quiz, you can also consider a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a payment plan related bankruptcy that lasts 3 or 5 years. It is a court ordered payment plan that helps you potentially repay some of your debts in the payment plan.
A Chapter 13 can also protect you from debt collection lawsuits and help you achieve debt freedom.
What would your Chapter 13 plan payment be?
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy calculator that is based on the bankruptcy forms can help you estimate your Chapter 13 plan payment. The plan payment may be expensive though if you have a lot of disposable income or if you make additional income in the Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Compared to most debt-relief options, Chapter 7 is more affordable. However, it is essential to understand the costs involved in filing. The should I file for bankruptcy quiz will break down costs and compare them among different debt-relief options.
For example, the cost of bankruptcy is $338 and the attorney fee may be $1500 in your state, which is $1838 all in, but the cost of debt relief may be $15,000 if the debt settlement fee is 15% and your enrolled debt amount is $100,000.
So, the costs are very important to help you understand your options.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Each debt relief option has its unique advantages and some disadvantages. For example, while chapter 7 is a more affordable option, the information can remain on your credit report for a decade. On the other hand, debt settlement can help you settle your debt for less than you owe. But there is a risk of getting sued or paying higher fees to the company.
So, you need insight into the advantages and disadvantages of each method, which is information you can get from the bankruptcy quiz. The quiz shows results highlighting each option’s pros and cons.
Other Alternatives to Bankruptcy
There are other ways to get out of debt besides filing for bankruptcy. A bankruptcy quiz can help you compare different debt-relief options like debt settlement, debt negotiation, and payoff planning. Although bankruptcy is a popular option, it is not the only one.
For example, you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but could lose your home when filing. In this situation, you may consider options such as Chapter 13 bankruptcy which can protect your home or another debt relief option such as debt settlement or debt management.
The “should I file for bankruptcy” quiz can shed more light and compare other alternatives better.
Get Answers to Your Bankruptcy Questions
Filing for bankruptcy is a major decision, and you probably have a dozen questions running through your mind. To put your mind at ease, take the bankruptcy quiz. It can give answers to questions you may be having. The bankruptcy quiz has a side section where you can contact the quiz provider with your questions. There is also a chat option where you can ask questions and get answers.
Should You File For Bankruptcy?
The decision on whether to file for bankruptcy or not remains a personal decision. However, the should I file bankruptcy quiz based on the bankruptcy means test can provide information to help you decide. You will get to see if you are eligible, the cost ranges, the different alternatives available, and their advantages and disadvantages. The bankruptcy quiz can help you decide if you should file for personal bankruptcy.