The response of schools to the challenges posed by the pandemic in 2020 is worth commending. Now that life is gradually returning to normal in schools, what should be the major priority for schools? This is the time to reassess the priorities because, in this global society that we find ourselves, the needs of learners are constantly changing. For example, due to the pandemic, it is now difficult for students to learn remotely and complete tasks, so they use the Assignment Geek for their assignments.
We need a clear vision and purpose that will bring about innovative and creative results in the learning process. With the dust of the pandemic gradually settling down, it is now time to look at ways to set priorities right.
The success criteria
There is the need for a rethink on the success criteria. Every learner that walks through the door should be valued through success criteria. There should be an innovative way to make the curriculum accessible to all the students. This will make the students take charge of their progress and maximize their growth all round.
How can students co create goals and use them to co construct success criteria? What can be done to create a meaningful relationship that will be in support of learning? When classrooms keep relationships at the core, deeper relationships to learning will be achieved.
Effective ways to ensure acceleration
When we prioritize standards and stay focused on content, it will result in expert learners. Ways that will make students learn, unlearn and relearn will empower them in the learning process and independently use additional resources and services as assignment writing UK, this will allow for the development of the educational system. It is important to create ways to flip scripts on questioning. When teachers adopt a system where they are not the only ones asking the questions by using the question formulation technique, learners will be made to think critically and formulate high-quality questions.
When we adopt the process of demonstrating, discovering and discussing, learners will be given the opportunity to explore content before direct instruction. More meaning will be achieved when communication and collaboration with peers are enhanced.
If measures that value direct acceleration in the learning process are put in place and not retardation, effective results that matter will be achieved in the process of learning.
Connection before content
The emphasis should be on connection with the students rather than content. In the pandemic era, it will be difficult to establish this because we are in extreme circumstances and the situation is very grave. Here are some strategies that will be of valuable help.
Concreting shared expectations will empower the learners and go all the way to empower learners and impact positively on by-in.
The focus should be more on peer-to-peer connections that will enable the student to co-construct meaning. Structures and opportunities must be given for peer feedback. The presence of the teacher should be such that it will enhance effective rapport and respect with the student.
This is the time for all the stakeholders to come together and bring forth a new strategy that will bring in the lease of life into the teaching and learning module. When we look inwards to rethink our strategies, it will be easy to move the wheel of education in the right direction.