TikTok lets users create short videos, which contain music in the background. It can be slowed, quicked or edited with the help of TikTok filters.
All users have a common mission – get TikTok followers. To make a video, you can select background music from a huge range of music genres, edit video using a filter and record a 15-second video with speed control before download it, and to share it with other TikTok users on TikTok or other social platforms. You can also make videos with the synchronization of footage over a popular song, which helps to get TikTok followers.
TikTok have several modes: one of the “reaction” mode – allows you to take reaction to another video, creating a virtual screen overlapping with the video of the reaction itself . Another mode, “duet”, allows you to paste two videos horizontally, this feature was also made to get TikTok followers. More viewers make more followers while some also purchase active TikTok followers. You can also Buy tiktok Likes with in Cheap Prices to Increase your tiktok video Likes
Started in summer 2018 it is currently the progressive video platform for short videos in China and is becoming increasingly popular in other countries, becoming one of the fastest growing and most downloaded applications. Today TikTok has reached over 500 million users from 150 countries. In China, where the application is most popular, 60% of users are in the age range of 25-44 years, and other countries 43% of users are over 24 years old.
Agents of TikTok are located in Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Dubai, Mumbai, Jakarta, Seoul and Tokyo. In China named Douyin. TikTok and Douyin are the same application, but they operate on separate servers in accordance with censorship restrictions in China.
TikTok’s users can also add videos, hashtags, filters and sounds to their saved partition. This partition is visible only to the user in his profile and let him/her to return to any video, hashtag, filter or sound that he/she already saved.