There’s many maps, webmaps and web resources available online to support the response to Hurricane Irma. These range for traffic maps, evacuation routes, shelter locations, wind speed and direction information and much more. The following is a sample of some map resources that have been compiled by the crew at GEO Jobe
- Esri, Hurricane Irma Response Open Data Site – This site provides geospatial data from authoritative sources where possible that can be useful to support community response and recovery to Hurricane Irma. The data is available for download as CSV, KML, Shapefile, and accessible via web services to support application development and data visualization.
- Open Data – This is the community’s public platform for exploring and downloading open data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important local issues.
- Hillsborough County, Florida Evacuation Zone and Emergency Shelter Map – resource for residents in the Tampa, Florida area
- Pinnelas County – Information about evacuation zones – “Know your zone”
- Hurricane and Cyclone public information map – This map describes the current & recent location of tropical storms, as well as forecast positions and probable track of tropical storms.
- Hurricane Irma Resource Catalog – Ready to use apps from Esri