Kudos to the gang from start-up, Echosec Systems who have not only been named a Top 25 B.C start up recently but they’ve also just rolled out a Live / “pro” release of the very cool Echosec social media map search – recall that Echosec is a map-driven search engine that harvests and searches hundreds of social media services for real time posts and media. You can use the service to see “breaking” and live updates from areas of conflict (like riots, and emergency situations like a hurricane) or simply see real time posts from your favorite sporting event (like the NHL playoffs or the Super Bowl).
Try the search or upgrade to “Live” at echosec.net
About Echosec… Used by local government, police, military, OPSEC, national and local security agencies all over the World, Echosec search provides real-time map-based access to publicly shared social media posts from popular media sharing services (more than 450 services and growing) like Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, Youtube, and many more. Live.EchoSec.net goes beyond EchoSec public (free) search and includes additional data access and functionality like:
– FlyTo, zooming to an updates location
– AIS (ship tracking)
– Youtube
– FourSquare
– Picassa
– Panaramio
– Flickr