Like prior years, I’m sad to see the week come to and end and have to say goodbye to loads of folks who, over the years, have become good friends. This week really is about networking, and I don’t mean social networking, I’m talking about real networking where we sit down and talk with each other. We do this in exhibition booths over live demos, in the map gallery discussing an awesome map, at a white table drawing out code, charts, and notes, and sure, we also network poolside or at Petco Park while watching the Padres.
There’s definitely something invigorating about connecting IRL and hashing out some ideas or working out a problem – I know I have a couple of projects in the planning stages that have resulted from connections I made here at ESRIUC. Speaking of ideas, you can get a few from some of the fine presentations made here at UC (over 1,000 of them) ass ESRI has already put some of them online! Check out the conference paper sessions web page HERE and keep checking back for more additions. Something else that you must see from this week is the Urban Observatory. There was loads of buzz about it here this week and you can learn more in this cool video from ESRI. Finally, you iOS users, take note that the ESRI mobile bookstore app (also includes ArcNews, and ArcUser) is now available to you in iTunes and you can get it here – great stuff! I’m off now to hear from Jack Dangermond himself in the conference closing session, a crowd favorite that typically features a pretty lengthy Q&A between Jack and the crowd