Location Sharing Research – Top five relationships conducive to location sharing

Some recent findings on location sharing… The Alohar Mobile Survey Finds 71% of Smartphone Users are Open to Location Sharing Apps; Adoption Driven by Relationship Milestones, Safety and Convenience – amazingly, 71% of smartphone users expressed their openness to mobile applications designed to share their whereabouts with loved one.

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Smartphone Users don't Mind Sharing Their Location for Safety Reasons

It seems that even in this day of privacy concerns that adults are still relatively comfortable with sharing their location, particularly for safety. That’s what the findings of a survey of some 1,100+ smartphone users has shown.

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Lessons in Location Privacy and Twitter – Sharing Who, Where, and When

Would you post a tweet that read “I’m going to be at XXX place on 4th Ave.  in the corner table at 6:15 PM tonight”... I doubt you would, however, contests on Twitter are encouraging people to do exactly that! Privacy and social media seem to be on the minds of many, however, for the most part, nobody really seems to care or really be going to any effort to protect their privacy – perhaps to many it simply isn’t a big concern. I suppose, privacy and safeguarding one’s privacy is just not that big of a deal, until something scary or creepy happens! It really is much like the old “backing up your data” issue where most of us admit that we really should be protecting ourselves and be regularly backing up that valuable data, however, how often do we really do it? Eventually, not backing up your data will bite you in the butt!

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Find Deals on Steak and Beer Down Under With Restaurant Deals Oz (iOS Android)

A new local deal finder resource for mobile users in Australia comes to iOS and Android device users from Restaurant Deals Oz. The app is designed specifically to enable users to easily find great deals from restaurants and bars thanks to some cleaver geotagging of happy hour specials and other deals. Restaurant and bar owners are being courted by a 30 day free trial offer to get listed. Personally, I really like the business model here of having establishment owners pay to get listed – I’d like to see more of this so we can start seeing the revenues going directly to the developers! See more in this PR on the LBSzone

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