The onset of March 2016 saw the deployment of modern unmanned military complexes in Syria by the Russian military. These would monitor any activity which breached the agreement that came late in the month of February 2016. Immediate and unbiased response would follow, eliminating the source of artillery activity.
Russia eventually halted the air attack in regions that raised a call for ceasefire just after the “cessation of hostilities” agreement between US and Russia. Members of UN security council voted with one voice in support of the ceasefire, with stress on participants of the agreement to stay true to their commitments. However, Islamic state of Iraq and Levant plus al-Nusra Front showed no signs of slowing and hence, remain excluded from peace-marked regions.
“If implemented and adhered to, this cessation will not only lead to a decline in violence, but also continue to expand the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian supplies to besieged areas,” said US Secretary of State John Kerry.
A stage so set, needs to avoid all possible mistakes to carry forward the peace scenario for a long time. Additionally, there is no scope for mistake in case of unexpected ground attack. In the wake of this scenario, Russian military deployed three Zoopark-1 complex, installed over MTLB chassis and supported by two advanced radar systems to spot potential targets.
These installations automatically calculate the locational coordinates of target artillery. This detection helps to identify the counteractive measures that required to put in action and the immediate results. Any commotion would be provided an electronically-activated response within five minutes of its origin.
Zoopark-1 complex can inspect positions within 17 kilometers and respond to strike from bore size of 82 to 120 millimeters. The entire complex is loaded with guns of barrel size 105-155 mm, firing range up to 12 kilometers, multiple launch systems ranging over 22 kilometers, and tactical missiles with travel range of 45 kilometers. It can simultaneously realize 7o origins of attack per minute and track up to 12 marks.
In this context, advancements to replace traditional warfare equipment with the application of enhanced range, detection, ballistics, and electronical control in Radar technology has brought order in chaos. Collectively the developments in this area has found implementations in armed equipment for military, air, and naval forces. Countries invest a heavy portion of their budget on secure military communications and high-technology armament development, which keeps the growth sustained for the global military radar market.
Observing the market’s growth in current global scenario is Research Beam, which has recently added a report titled “The Global Military Radar Market 2015-2025 – Competitive Landscape and Strategic Insights: Market Profile”. Company profiles of leading players in military radar market have been profiled for their manufacturing & services portfolio, strategic alliances, and financial performance for the consideration of existing and potential stakeholders.
Source: Researchbeam