A couple of efforts have been announced to help scour the vast collection of recently collected imagery for any sign of Flight 370 that may have been recorded by a data collection sensor. DigitalGlobe has a service known as Tomnod where the premise is that thousands of volunteers are asked to help scour through imagery to help identify features (debris, raft, oil slick etc…) and tag objects that could be useful in solving the mystery. Tomnod has started a campaign to help in the search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370 – see details HERE

Flight plan for Malaysia Airlines flight mh370
Another company who started a similar effort is GeoSage who are asking the community help look through data gathered from Landsat (See this Tweet from @GISuser). Geosage has put together a short document that shares the planned flight route, possible imagery that could be searched, and other relevant information. See details from GeoSage HERE {PDF warning}
See also this article in the Denver Post on Digitalglobe’s effort