15-16 March 2014 (Saturday – Sunday)
Boulder, Colorado
Abstract Deadline 01 March 2014
HOST: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado
Friday, 14 March. Icebreaker Reception in early evening
Saturday, 15 March. Talk and Poster Sessions all day
Sunday, 16 March. Talk and Poster Sessions most of the day
Meeting will end by 4 pm Sunday (exact time will be posted after abstract deadline)
THEME: "ARCTIC’S NEW NORMAL – shifting environmental baselines over decades to millennia and comparisons with the Antarctic." Although not required, we encourage participants to tie their talk to changing environmental conditions in the Arctic. Contributions documenting changes in and around Antarctica and comparisons of responses between the two polar regions are also encouraged.
TOPICS: The Arctic Workshop is open to all interested in high latitude environments, including those of the past, present, and future. Previous Workshops have included presentations on Arctic and Antarctic climate, atmospheric chemistry, environmental geochemistry, paleoenvironment, archeology, geomorphology, hydrology, glaciology, soils, ecology, oceanography, Quaternary history and more.
STUDENT SUPPORT: Assistance is available for a limited number of students from any country giving a talk or presenting a poster. Such support will help cover most of registration, meals, and more.
STRENGTHS: We strive for a relaxed, friendly, and interactive experience, fostered in part by our relatively small size. And unlike most meetings, you can present your very latest research; the abstract deadline is only two weeks before the Workshop.
MORE INFO: Visit http://instaar.colorado.