You may have already seen this infographic making the rounds on various social media channels. The visual is a stunning look at all of the hydrographic features in America and indeed it is quite impressive. But what you may not have seen is what’s behind the scenes and how to make this webmap for yourself! The map was produced by Nelson Minar (@nelson) and he’s documented his experience in details on his blog, furthermore, the entire project and everything you need to know to create it for yourself is on Github
About the project… “This project contains everything you need from start to finish to make a vector based web map of American rivers in the contiguous 48 states. This demonstration map is neither particularly beautiful nor complex, but it is a complete example of how to build a web map using tiled vector data into a web map. The source code is open source you are encouraged to read and tinker with. There are three parts to the project: data preparation, HTTP serving of vector tiles, and clients that render maps”
Source: via Glenn on Pinterest