The New York Department of State’s Geographic Information Gateway (GIS) web site, which was launched last September as tool to educate and bring information on the State’s diverse land and offshore resources to an array of New Yorkers, was honored as a Special Achievement in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 2016 Award by Esri, a global […]
Tandon School Of Engineering Awarded NEH Grant To Digitize New York City Record
NYU Tandon School Of Engineering Awarded Highly Competitive $260,000 NEH Grant To Digitize New York City Record – Grant to Fund Digitizing the City Record 1873 to 1998: Making Transparent New York City Government Infrastructure and Political Economy
Map of the Day – Mapping the History of New York City’s Landmarks
An interesting and fun map from the city of NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission lets you discover thousands of landmarks of interest in the Big Apple
New York State Interactive Mapping Gateway
MapXtreme Application with MapMarker Geocoding (select the binoculars for address search) as well as viewable orthoimagery
New York Statewide Digital Orthoimagery
The New York Statewide Digital high-resolution orthoimagery available for the areas flown from 2000 to 2003, the program’s first cycle is complete. Many of the Counties flown in 2004 were originally flown in 2001. The program’s goal is to continue obtaining imagery for the entire State on repeated 3-4 year cycles
Digital Atlas of NY City
Part of the American Cities Atlas Project, this site has approximately 130 color maps of the city’s five counties, displaying 1990 census data related to population, race, ancestry, income, poverty, commuters, adult educational achievement, and household types. Data are mapped by census tracts – California Geographical Survey
NY State GIS
2003 High Resolution Orthoimagery now Available for Direct Download
FWS New York Spatial Data Sets
The data sets listed here are for larger scale data (1:24:000 up to 1:500,000) for the state of New York. Data created by or maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is shown with links to the metadata and data where possible. Data themes include refuge boundaries, NWI, and others
Cornell University Geopostal Information Repository. CUGIR is an active online repository in the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse program. CUGIR provides geospatial data and metadata for New York State, with special emphasis on those natural features relevant to agriculture, ecology, natural resources, and human-environment interactions. In order to provide the best possible access to geospatial data […]
NYS GIS Clearinghouse
New York State’s official GIS Clearinghouse and GIS Coordination Program, operated by the NYS Office for Technology