How Does Orgone Energy Work

Orgone is a natural energy source that can help you balance your body and spirit. Orgone can be created naturally by sunbathing or artificially through orgone accumulators or orgone pyramids to balance disruptive energy from electronics or other electromagnetic fields. 

By counteracting negativity and reducing electromagnetic fields, positive, orgone energy may help with motivation, focus, energy flow, sleep, and overall well-being (EMF).

Orgone can be found anywhere. People with an orgone pyramid or jewelry will experience its healing properties for various illnesses, including cancer, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, etc. 

This article will go through how does orgone energy works in-depth for your information.

What is Orgone Energy?

Willhelm Reich referred to ‘orgone’ as vital energy that could be shown optically, thermally, and spectroscopically. Non-organic materials such as metal and wood or cotton can be used to create layers that attract this energy, according to his findings. 

He made large boxes out of these mixes where he would place his patients to receive a great amount of orgone energy into their systems. A wide range of ailments, including advanced cancer stages, were cured by Reich’s patients. 

How Does Orgone Energy Work?

How does orgone energy function now that you have a fundamental understanding of it? Experts’ extensive research showed that orgone’s radiation is comparable to the sun’s. In addition to cultivating SAPA complex bions, he placed cancel cells near the bions.

Is this what you came up with? The cancer cells were wiped off by radiation and chemotherapy. Energy has an important part in various human illnesses and has been conducted in many comparable studies.

Many people believe that trauma, anxiety, and mental health disorders prevent us from experiencing joy. The deadly orgone energy, also known as armoring, is thus sealed inside our bodies in a tight state and cannot be released. Over time, the energy would become stagnant, resulting in a chaotic and negative condition.

According to experts, every negative experience—whether memory or an act of violence—creates mental barriers that impair our ability to think properly. Eventually, this robs us of the joy and wonder that life offers.

Deathly orgone energy (DOR) is a form of negative energy that causes a mental and physical decline in its victims. It has the potential to go beyond our physical bodies and potentially contribute to the degradation of the environment. 

To counteract this energy, Reich created orgone energy accumulators. These accumulators had a positive orgone energy counterpart to balance out the negative orgone energy.

Orgone energy for human health

Electronic equipment that generates electromagnetic fields surrounds us frequently in today’s technological world. 

Regular exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or high-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs created by wireless devices such as mobile phones, TVs, and WiFi routers) is harmful to human health. 

These DOR accumulators should be removed from the environment, and orgonite products should be used for cleansing and healing.

Who Discovered Orgone Energy?

A psychologist named Wilhelm Reich, considered one of the most famous psychoanalysts, discovered orgone energy in the late 1930s. He was fascinated by Freud’s theories on neurosis when he first started his job.

Traumatic experiences, according to Reich’s research, might obstruct the natural flow of energy in the body. Because of this, you are plagued by bodily and psychological ailments. To remove this stumbling obstacle, Wilhelm Reich devised orgone energy.

According to Reich, sexism is the foundation of many social issues, including fascism and sexual repression. After experimenting with sexual energy generation techniques, he discovered orgone. 

Dr. Wilhelm Reich used individual and group activities to free this repressed energy. According to Wilhelm Reich’s research, libidinal energy is not exclusively focused on sexuality. He referred to it as life’s “primordial energy” because of its origins.

Advantages of Orgone Energy

Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone energy theory has gotten a lot of attention recently. Epoxy, quartz crystal, and metal shavings are the three main components of orgone energy devices known as Orgonites. DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) could be converted to POR using this special combination (Positive Orgone Energy).

Many people who have used orgone energy gadgets have noted the numerous advantages they’ve experienced. As a result, individuals who are still skeptical about orgone energy and those who feel drawn to the energy can read on to learn more about the benefits and decide for themselves.

Combatting EMF radiation

To begin with, it can counteract the harmful effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. We know that electromagnetic fields (EMF) from satellites, electrical grids, and other sources can harm our health. 

You may shield your family from radiation’s harmful effects by using orgone energy. The orgone Energy has numerous spiritual and physical advantages.

May promote better sleep

In the first place, electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) radiation can be countered by this product. 

Satellites, electrical grids, and other sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been shown to affect human health negatively. 

Using orgone energy, you can protect your family from radiation. There are various spiritual and physical benefits of using the orgone energy.

May enhance the mood

Many people who have used orgone devices say they have improved their mood after using them. 

Due to orgone energy, our bodies are constantly receiving beneficial energy. A person’s mood is lifted, and their outlook on life is brightened due to this.

Keeps food fresh for longer

A large number of people have weighed in on this. Regularly, it is seen that food left on an orgone charging plate is consumed over a longer time than predicted. 

As a result, orgone energy aids in the growth and preservation of food naturally.

Better relationship

Improved connections are another benefit associated with orgonite. When orgonite is used in households and businesses, it has been shown that the relationships between family members and coworkers have significantly improved.


If you’ve never heard of the term, don’t worry; you can learn more about how does orgone energy work? And how it affects people’s lives by reading our article. 

Because orgone energy is widely regarded to have a wide range of positive effects, using an Orgonite product to increase your spiritual well-being is an excellent idea.


Author: GISuser

GISuser, founded by Spatial Media (2003), is the leading online technology, news resource for GIS and mapping professionals

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