Blog – wikiloc – share GPS tracks via Google Earth, even import Sports Tracker routes

A clever app enabling users to upload and share GPS tracks via Google Earth. Store and share your GPS tracks, and a tip… you can even import your Nokia N95 Sports Tracker trips into the application as well!

Wikiloc brings together those who store their GPS tracks and enables upload and sharing via Google earth – reminds me somewhat of Nokia’s Sports Tracker application! see Users can also add photos to go along with the GPS data.

Users can upload GPS data via the following formats:

* GPX 1.0 (.gpx)
* GPX 1.1 (.gpx)
* CompeGPS (.trk, .wpt)
* OziExplorer (.plt .wpt)
* Garmin Training Center Course (.crs)
* Garmin Mapsource (.gdb, .mps)
* Magellan Mapsend (.trk, .wpt)
* FAI/IGC Flight Recorder Data Format (.igc)
* Geocaching (.loc)
* Google Earth (.kml, .kmz)
* GPS TrackMaker (.gtm)
* PCX5 (.pcx)
* Geogrid Viewer tracklogs (.log)

They also provide details of this handy GPS translation utility!



A sample wikiloc trek

And here’s a cool test that I completed in about 2 minutes. Using my Nokia N95 smartphone, I uploaded a GPS treck using the cool Nokia Sports Tracker application. So, I just logged into my account, exported the data to KML, then imported into Wikiloc. I can then save it, add photos, and share/view with others via Google Earth and Google maps – so, in short, I round tripped from my Nokia N95 -> Sports Tracker -> wikiloc -> Google Earth… awesome!

Data as seen in Sports Tracker – then exported to kml


Trail is uploaded into wikiloc


Setting up preferences in wikiloc

GPS treck is now residing in wikiloc where I can share with others

Author: Editor

Glenn is a geographer and a GIS professional with over 20 years experience in the industry. He's the co-founder of GISuser and several other technology web publications.

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