LONDON- The UK is a land of opportunity for globally ambitious US tech workers according to a survey of over eight hundred international technology professionals.
Envitia wins important contract to supply UK Hydrographic Office DMGIC with FDM and FDB extensions
For immediate release: January 2016 Ref: UPS1262
Cadcorp accepted by UK government as supplier of GIS Services under G-Cloud 7
STEVENAGE, United Kingdom, 10 December 2015 – British GIS and web mapping software developer Cadcorp, has won a place on the list of suppliers of Software as a Service (SaaS) for three hosted services, as part of the government’s G-Cloud 7 framework.
Emapsite expert celebrates AGI award success
A geodata expert at emapsite is celebrating a prestigious UK industry award.
New mapping agreement to benefit United Kingdom and Ireland location data users
A new three party agreement between Ordnance Survey (GB), Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) and Land and Property Services (LPS) Northern Ireland is set to improve access and availability of mapping services for customers and government users operating across the UK and Ireland.
Caliper Offers Updated UK Data for Use with Maptitude 2014
Caliper is excited to announce a new UK Data Package! The 2014 Country Package for the United Kingdom now includes income data for England and Wales, 2011 Census demography and demographics for Scotland, and 2014 Local Government Areas and additional demographics for Northern Ireland. There are also many geographic updates including refreshed streets, landmarks, postal boundaries, and […]
Event – Microsoft Bing Maps Windows Store Apps Developer Event, UK
Details of this event come our way from Microsoft (UK) Bing Maps would like to invite you to our Windows Store Apps Developer Event. We have some great speakers lined up who will be showcasing some of the latest Apps developed using Microsoft technology whilst detailing the end to end technical build process. Agenda Session 1 […]
Royal Air Force Mildenhall, UK, Project Wins Honor Award
Aurora, CO – July 22, 2011 – The Royal Air Force Mildenhall, UK’s 352nd Special Operations Group Area Development Plan was awarded an honor award by the U.S. Air Force. The development plan included planning studies, facility utilization and condition assessment and installation site development guides prepared by Merrick & Company and HB&A. The project, […]
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK, builds Information Gateway using sdi.suite
Muenster, Germany – con terra GmbH, a market leader in GIS providing solutions for Spatial Data Infrastructures and INSPIRE, is pleased to announce that the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH), UK, is fulfilling its requirement to be compliant with both INSPIRE and GEMINI2 by using con terra’s sdi.suite. After successfully going live […]
ERDAS 11 World Tour Makes Appearance in Leicester, UK
Norcross, GA — ERDAS and UK partner Infoterra recently hosted a 11 World Tour event at the National Space Centre in Leicester, United Kingdom on November 17. The 11 World Tour promotes the idea of a full team, as well as the year (and number behind the new ERDAS software release). ERDAS is a […]