This week I’ve been messing around a bit with MapSocial, a new, real time mapping service for facebook – I’m also pleased to boast that I think I may have been one of the first public users of this cool service! The application is still in Beta, however, you are invited to jump in and […]
Developers Ready To Hack and Mashup at HackSask, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Developers in Regina, Saskatchewan are invited to HackSask this week-end – an effort to hack, mashup, and mess around with APIs, tools, SDKs and other Geeky resources!
Carnival Of The Geospatialists #3 – Musings and Down-Right Cool Things Shared by the Geo Faithful
It’s been a couple of weeks so that means time again for another Geo Carnival… a fun roundup of GeoMusings and down-right cool, GeoGeekery from around the web.
The GISuser Top 10 Geo Social Media and Social Location Articles From 2011
There’s no question that Social Media and the use of social media in business was a HUGE topic in 2011. During the year I authored a number of articles on the topic and they were very well received. The following are the top articles according to our stats and make for some fine bookmarks for […]
Carnival Of The Geospatialists #2 – Musings and Down-Right Cool Things Shared by the Geo Faithful
Welcome to edition#2 of my Carnival of the Geospatialists and a short recap of some items of interest from the GIS/GeoGeek community. Please note, if these updates persist, I’m wide open to submissions and suggestions to feel free to ping me @gletham to make suggestions.
Carnival Of The Geospatialists #1 – Musings and Down-Right Cool Things Shared by the Geo Faithful
I recall a few years back I used to follow something called the Carnival of the Moblists… essentially, it was a fun recap of recent items of interests coming out of the mobile industry and bloggers that shared stories related to mobile app development.
So You Want to Hack – OpenHackDay #odhd Recap and Tips for developers and new hacks
I recently had the opportunity to attend a local hackday event, this local event here in Victoria planned by OpenDataBC was just one such event of many that took place in locations around the World.
ArcGIS How To Hack Tip – A Fast, Simple ArcGIS Map Mashup of Flickr Photos and Foursquare Checkins
Here’s a simple how to tutorial on working with the free to easily import KML or RSS data from Flickr and foursquare into ArcGIS to create your own custom map mashup
Study Finds Smartphones Are Most Popular Home Device, and Growing Scapegoat in Many Social Situation
A New Yahoo! Mobile/Razorfish Study Finds Smartphones Are Most Popular Home Device, and Growing Scapegoat in Many Social Situations
mqVibe First Look – MapQuest Maps Neighborhoods Provides a Social Sharing Experience With mqVibe
Today, mapquest has rolled out their much anticipated social network mqvibe. Much different than what I was expecting (I was thinking of another facebook or twitter-like experience – that based on all the speculation on teh web) and I have to say so far I’m very impressed!