You gotta admit, we all love to see CNN mess up… its particularly funny though when their fumble is is recorded digitally and shared with the World via Twitter! That’s pretty much what happened when keep eye (and quick with the camera) @mrlukerobinson noticed that during a news broadcast CNN has made a failed attempt […]
Nokia Shutting Down Navteq Mobile Developer Resource NN4D
Well, with all the hooplah, reorganization, restructuring, yadayada going on at Nokia the past year or two you can’t really be surprised when you hear something to the effect of Navteq Developer resource NN4D being shut down.
South Pacific Island of Samoa Changes International Dateline
Have you checked your International Dateline map data layer recently? Chances are that it’s incorrect!
Can One Protest SOPA Without Blacking Out? We Can Try… #stopSOPA
I applaud all those individuals and businesses electing to stand up and show their support in fighting the proposed legislation that threatens Internet freedoms (SOPA). As you can see, and this blog is available and being updated today as usual, however, this does not mean in any way that we are supporting SOPA. My […]
The Geography and Importance of Women as Employers in the USA
Some interesting data and graphics shared via this blog post on the importance of small business, and in particular women owned small businesses, and their effect and importance on the economy and job creation. Using an information-rich infographic, Michael Hartzell shares some interesting stats. In the USA, women owned small businesses have the following effect: […]
The War Horse Journey Time Map by Dreamworks and Microsoft (Bing)
Lutz Shares A Must Read- Geospatial Data Sharing Guidelines for Best Practices
Details of a new, must read PDF published by the NSGIC on geospatial data sharing
10 Favorite Tweets From the Geo Twitter Sphere
I try to follow along with Twitter and frequently Fave tweets that I really dig. Here’s 10 recent Tweets of interest from my stream… enjoy! FYI, you can follow yours truly @gletham if you don’t already! favorite [fey-ver-it, feyv-rit] – a person or thing regarded with special favor or preference @michael_d_gould RT @laurelatoreilly: “Don’t Call […]
Esri Map – best places to get Spooked in the USA
Here’s a fun map I was made aware of via the Esri Facebook page – best places to get Spooked and who’s watching horror flicks in the USA?
Google Implements Usage Limits on the Google Maps API – no more free lunch
You had to know the time would come when Google would throw the switch and start the meter running for sites using the Google Maps API …