3 10 minute videos from my presentation, Social Media use in local government GIS, recorded at the MISABC conference, Sept 2011 in Sidney, B.C.
Blogging, microblogging, media, social media or… Which for your business?
You may be wondering, which would be better for me or my business.. blogging, social bookmarking, a social media focus, or ?? A darned good question, particularly as all have a purpose, a time, a place, advantages and disadvantages. So, which one is best? There’s no simple answer here, however, keep in mind that any […]
Social Tip – Attract Followers Not Un-Followers on Social Media
Using Social media, like any other business tool, requires a strategy. You’ve posted thousands of updates, tweets, photos and videos in order to build your personal brand and also grow your social network so why jeopardize your “friendships” and alienate your followers? There’s no doubt that almost everyone has posted a tweet, photo, or facebook […]
Scientists Need Your Eyes and Ears – CrowdSourcing and the USGS
In an ever-changing environment, it would be ideal if the U.S Geological Survey had a presence in every corner of the nation. While we may not be able to cover every inch of the landscape, we can greatly enhance our scope with your help. The USGS has a variety of citizen science efforts where you […]
Get Found via Local Search and Social Location – 10 Map Services Your Business MUST Be Listed in
You have a business… perhaps a bar, a coffee shop, or maybe a consulting firm. Regardless of the business type, if you have a brick and mortar presence then you need to get your business listed in some of the popular online, location-based resources and search tools. Even more important is being found via […]
Feature – Improving your Web SEO and Twitter Reach With Hashtags #SocialTip #Twitter
Hashtags are a quick, convenient, and useful way to make your important keywords stand out. Made popular by Twitter as a way of search enabling and categorizing your short posts, hashtags are much more useful than you might think. Delimiting a tweet with a couple of hashtags can greatly improve your visibility and findability, and […]
4 Quick Contest Tips to Kick-Start Your Social Marketing
We all have some level of competitive instinct in us. If you’ve never thought, “Hey, I could do that better,” you’re probably kidding yourself. Competition is as much a part of our nature as eating or breathing – and sometimes we even get competitive with those! So when you add in a prize and some […]
First Look – MapSocial (Beta) Real Time Social Mapping In Facebook
This week I’ve been messing around a bit with MapSocial, a new, real time mapping service for facebook – I’m also pleased to boast that I think I may have been one of the first public users of this cool service! The application is still in Beta, however, you are invited to jump in and […]
Livehoods – Neighborhood Boundaries Generated using foursquare Social Media Data
I’ve always been a huge fan of mapping neighborhoods and perceived neighborhood boundaries. These often subjective, invisible boundaries are very useful in many applications and in my mind a huge, untapped opportunity (ping me if you want to go into business!). This article from Fast Company looks at mapping and analyzing boundaries created from foursquare […]
Developers Ready To Hack and Mashup at HackSask, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Developers in Regina, Saskatchewan are invited to HackSask this week-end – an effort to hack, mashup, and mess around with APIs, tools, SDKs and other Geeky resources!