A Rewarding Challenge
Think about this: it feels great to be in perfect physical shape. It feels uncomfortable to the point of nausea to exercise so you can reach such plateaus in terms of physique. It feels great to look at the view from atop a mountain. The hike up will leave you wheezing and blistered, and you might stumble a few times.
It feels great to bring a new life in the world, and it feels great to have success in your chosen career as a woman. Getting to either “peak” will be difficult and painful, but you can overcome such impediments, and you’ll find you’re a better woman for doing so. That said, just as weights help an athlete reach physical perfection, resources help career mothers flourish.
Following we’ll briefly look at three things you can do to make both motherhood and professional duties more manageable.
- Traveling Techniques Require Advance Prep
You want to have an emergency bag packed in advance of any excursion from your home. Work From Home (WFH) moms have little need to travel, but you’ll still need to get out with your young one every now and again, so have emergency baby bags in addition to your traditional “diaper bag”.
- Advice on Best-Practices in Long-Term Nursing
Breastfeeding experts are going to tell you that it’s healthiest to breastfeed a child up to two years after birth. That’s hard if you’re a career mom. WFH options may make this feasible, but if you’re in a position where you have to commute to work every day, it’s a much more difficult proposition.
You’ll likely want to pump your breastmilk, and get in the habit of doing so with regularity to increase yield so your child always has healthy nourishment when he or she is hungry; even if you can’t be there 24/7. Also, you do want to physically breastfeed your child whenever you can, as this is the most healthy possible way to nourish a newborn. It is something everyone who is a new parent should learn more about.
Physically breastfeeding your child can be painful, challenging, and surprisingly uncomfortable. However, you can manage such challenges by changing how you feed your baby. Check out this link for newborn breastfeeding positions if you’re not sure what’s best in this area of motherhood.
- Parent Support Groups, Friends, and Family Ease the Burden
WFH moms still need daycare on occasion—what if you have to go to the DMV? You want support groups that are external to your social circle, because though family and friends are key in this area, family and friends are also not available 100% of the time.
Find Your Footing as a Career Mom
There’s a lot more to finding the perfect work-life balance and being a successful career mom than what’s been covered here, but thinking along the lines of this post can be helpful. Prepare in advance for travel, get advice from the pros for things like breastfeeding, and find support options such as groups, friends, and family.