The innovation and discovery in the cannabis industry gave rise to various minor cannabinoids.
Interestingly, what we think to be limited to the primary cannabinoids like THC or CBD. You can see a wide range of cannabinoids. Minor cannabinoids like CBN, CBG, Delta-8 THC, Delta 9 THC have taken the market by storm and are experiencing increased demand over time.
One of the best characteristics of the cannabis market is that even though various cannabinoids are more so a variant of the major cannabinoids. Every such variant possesses a unique set of characteristics and consequential effects it tends to have on the body.
This article will help you explore the two new entrants in the cannabis industry, i.e., THC-O and HHC, which are garnering great buzz in recent times and essentially deal with the factors which differentiate both the compounds.
In this post ll learn about the subtle differences between THC-O and HHC. Learn about their distinctions and impacts, giving light to the ever-changing landscape of cannabis chemicals. Use our experience to create well-researched and informative material for your academic demands for the best essay writing service.
Cannabis- The Magical Compound
Cannabis was widely known for its capability of intoxicating individuals. However, the innovation and discovery of cannabis and its compounds make cannabis nothing less than a magical compound.
The cannabis plant is a host of more than a hundred cannabinoids that have the capability of causing various mental, emotional, and physical effects on the body. This depends on the CBD/THC ratio in the plant and its seeds. Low THC hemp seeds may be ideal for growing strains for someone who wants to keep their head clear while receiving much-needed relief from symptoms including anxiety, tension, pain, seizures, inflammation, and more. It is such cannabinoids that have proven to be a revolutionary item in terms of the medicinal and therapeutic benefits they offer with the unique set of properties and effects every such cannabinoid possesses individually.
While CBD, Delta 8 THC, Delta 9 THC are some of the premier products or compounds in the cannabis industry, new entrants like THC-O and HHC are also experiencing immense demand.
What is THC-O?
There are different ways in which various cannabinoids have come to the light of the day. Some of them are naturally occurring. But, some bring into the picture the manufacturing process. Thus, they receive a unique set of characteristics and benefits such a compound would offer.
THC-O Acetate is a synthetic analog of THC known for its extremely high potency level. Even though synthetic in nature, it is believed to be structurally similar or identical to Delta 9 THC.
What is HHC?
Hexahydrocannabinol, i.e., HHC, is a compound that was earlier known to a scientist but has gained popularity. It is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid and is a hydrogenated form of THC.
It came into the picture in 1944 by American chemist Roger Adams, wherein he had added hydrogen molecules to Delta 9 THC, which led to the hydrogenation of THC to HHC.
Difference between THC-O and HHC
The new crucial cannabinoids are entering the market. With this, confusion regarding the characteristics and effects will happen.
Moreover, in cases where both the compounds are variants of THC, you might think that there is essentially no difference. However, both THC and HHC have their own set of unique characteristics and benefits.
The difference between THC-O and HHC include-
- Origin
THC-O is a synthetic analog of THC and does not naturally occur in the cannabis plant but is through a highly complex, extensive, and robust process. HHC, on the other hand, does occur naturally in the cannabis plant. However, it is available in low traces and is not commercially viable to extract it from such minute traces.
- Manufacturing Process
Since THC-O is a synthetic analog of THC, it comes into the picture by using an extensive process:
- You extract CBD from the hemp plant containing less than 0.3% THC. From such extracted CBD, you take out Delta 8.
- You mix volatile and flammable substance acetic anhydride with an ester of THC.
- You get THC-O Acetate or known as THC-0.
You get a flavorless, odorless, and thick substance carrying high potency. The process requires pieces of equipment due to the presence of acetic anhydride. It is a complex and extensive process making it difficult and risky. Thus, it is best not to perform such operations at home.
HHC, on the other hand, even though occurring in natural substances, has to manufacture in a laboratory. The conventional methods involved the use of acids to convert THC to HHC. The novel process is where hydrogenation of THC takes place with catalysts like iridium, palladium, nickel, rhodium, etc.
- Chemical Structure
THC-O is an acetylated THC Version. THC- O Acetate carries the same base structure as THC, Delta 8 THC, Delta 9 THC with certain variations. Because of hydrogenation and saturation with hydrogen atoms, you break the THC double carbon bond in HHC. Replacing it with hydrogen provides stability to HHC and increases its shelf life as it can hold better to heat and UV exposure.
- Potency
THC-O is a highly potent variant of THC and is five times as strong as Delta-8 THC and three times as strong as Delta-9 THC. HHC, on the other hand, is more potent than Delta 8 THC. But, it is less active than Delta 9 THC, which means that THC-O Acetate is highly potent than HHC as THC-O is five times more than Delta 8 THC.
- Effects
Although both the compounds, i.e., THC-O and HHC, have wide-ranging medicinal and therapeutic benefits. They improve cognitive functions and stimulate the appetite of an individual. In addition to this, you will achieve euphoric experiences.
THC-O is for its high potency levels. It offers the best euphoric and psychedelic experience without making you feel couchlock. HHC comes with the best stability and long shelf life. Thus, the high state and euphoric effect that THC-O would offer are the best. HHC cannot do the same. It can help you experience the benefits in a much more relaxed manner.
The cannabis industry is experiencing a boom. And minor cannabinoids like HHC and THC O are all set to boom and prosper in this massively growing industry. However, the consumers need to know the primary difference between such compounds to understand their nature and effects.
Since data regarding both is scary, the dosage of such compounds should be best and devoid of any harm. Further, it is best to purchase from reputed sellers offering high-quality products to minimize the chances of risks, if any.