2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. The global pandemic has changed our ordinary realities, distorted its face, and altered how we usually did things. As with most important sectors, the education system has been hit hard by the virus as well. Since social distancing is the new normal, most schools and colleges have had to shift to the concept of distance education.
One of the most important aspects of imparting education is realizing that students understand the lessons being taught in class. This is usually easy in the traditional teaching methodologies since mentors can monitor and supervise their classes actively. This has become somewhat of a problem, though, in the remote learning sessions. However, teachers and scholars can learn how to tackle distance learning problems by reading free papers about distance education on https://paperap.com to open topics that they need for their class. Such research papers can help pinpoint the areas in which one is currently lacking and how they can be better handled. We live in a time where the internet can connect us to each other. The academic institutions and scholars all over the world are doing their best to adapt to distance learning.
The origin of online education
Distance learning is not a new concept. In fact, many universities had started including online education in their academic courses to facilitate global students. The first college to incorporate the distance learning educational program was the University of London during the 1800s. Getting enrolled in an online academic program means students can take their online courses for educators from anywhere in the world. Some programs even offer flexibility to their scholars such that they can take the lessons anytime that is feasible to them.
However, the effect of the virus has caused students to accept the distance learning methodology, regardless of whether or not they choose to. Even though there are many similarities between traditional and online learning, the main difference is that the classroom learning environment is teacher-centric. In contrast, with online education, the student must take the initiative and learn actively.
Assessing student achievement in online education
Several hindrances can cause one’s learning to falter during online education. Some global students do not even have access to learning tools such as a stable internet connection or a digital device to keep up with their academic courses. This has become somewhat of a challenge to most governments. Another major disadvantage can be to students who belong to a joint family or new parents with small children who must look after their household as well. Studies also showed that distance learning participants often lack the motivation to focus on studies and complete their work.
However, it must be kept in mind that online learning has some advantages as well. Students can save on their time and resources by learning from the comfort of their homes. Distance learning also offers them a chance to challenge themselves and take the initiative to complete their academic course.
A recent study was performed by the Fort Valley State University, USA, focusing on whether or not one’s academic performance was altered due to the introduction of online methodologies. The study was conducted between 548 students, of whom 147 were taking online lessons. Their final grades were measured that consisted of accumulative scores from homework, tests, and participation. The results showed that there was not much difference between online participants and traditional students. Each of the students’ learning process had not been altered in any way due to the pandemic.
The survey results show that, if done correctly, online learning is as effective as traditional methodologies. As long as the students are motivated, academic institutions and teachers can adopt this new teaching methodology to help impart education. While the pandemic won’t last forever, and we will go back to our old ways, there may be ways in which the concept of online education can still be beneficial in the future.