With mobile devices have gained popularity these days, there are also more and more people using maps on their mobile devices.
Therefore, it is an important task for map providers to help users to access maps everywhere. Currently, there are a couple of ways can achieve that: one is to access online map services; the other is to load maps from local mobile devices. Either way, it always needs to have your map cached in advance to have a better user experience.
When maps are cached as map tiles, it would be a lot easier to share them through the internet or copy them to mobile devices. Since the core idea of map caching is to reduce the file size for downloading or transferring to the mobile devices, it is important to minimize the map tile size when designing the map tiles, especially for vector tiles. For example, you can try to simplify your data before caching maps, because the number of nodes in the vector tile will significantly influence the file size. And furthermore, with Supergeo’s latest cache generator, now you can also use visible scales and feature filters to reduce the file size. In this way, only the filtered features will be cached at the assigned visible scales, and the file size can be greatly reduced.
Supergeo knows the importance of map tiles and its application and has dedicated to improving the map caching workflow, which would help users to control their map tiles more elaborately while keeping the interface simple and user-friendly. Please stay tuned for more amazing features of the Cache Generator!
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http://www.supergeotek.com/Library_1_201603.aspx (Featured article)