So here we are, all worn out and our bellies full from drinking the Esri Kool-Aid after another awesome ESRIUC. So where to begin? Like many of you, I have pages and pages of notes, hundreds of photos, some videos, and loads of flyers and reading material to pour over. You may be wondering though, what’s everyone else saying and writing about ESRIUC 2015? Here’s some of my favorite resources where I’ve gleaned some really nice observations and take-aways from the event… enjoy! Oh, and if you blogged from the event or shared some observations, please do ping me on Twitter @gletham or drop me an email (see contact link above)
A recap of the Biz Summit by Karen Richardson, Esri – Executives from some of the world’s top businesses shared why a location platform is important to their business at the Esri Business Summit, which began July 18. KAren provides a detailed look at how Wal-Mart, Walgreens and others are leveraging the power of Geography
Paul Ramsay of CartoDB shares his views on esri and esriuc, this after a successful crashing of San Diego by CartoDB! Seemed many of the GeoGeeks at ESRIUC were quite interested and surprised to hear about Vector Tiles on the main stage during the opening plenary – The HUGE MapBox banner outside the convention center was also a bit of a shocker ;0)
Jonah Adkins provides a Geohipster style recap of his week at esriuc – In typical GeoHipster manner, Jonah shares his observations via Github!
James Fee was waking the floor at UC, although I didn’t actually have any James encounters… busy guy! Read up on James’ take on what he saw on the Floor
Jack Dangermond blogs about applying geography. I’m not sure how Jack finds time to blog but here you go, Jack’s look at “Applying Geography Everywhere.”
ESRIUC videos online at E380 – Esri has done a fabulous job at promptly sharing a TON of sharable content via video. Check out the plenary and many other awesome sessions from the event.
The Press Enterprise – Startups seek solutions for business
@DonBoyes took in the ESRIUC EDU Summit and shared some goodies via Story Map – clever!
The constant Geography blog did a great job sharing extensive recaps of Days 1, 2, and 3 – kudos! These may be the most comprehensive posts you’ll find from the event!
Official Esri blogs – Naturally there’s loads of great stuff here shared by the various teams at ESRI.
Esri Insider on Medium – Esri has been rolling out some features on their Medium Channel… some good stuff here looking at ArcGIS
Developers, be sure to browse all the goodies at the Esri Dev Community for plenty of updates from the UC
GeoNet – If you really want to connect with the Esri community then the Geonet is THE place to do it. Loads of post-esriuc discussion here!
If you want to catch EVERYTHING from the UC you can order the proceedings HERE
Looking for Photos?
Check out the official Esri 2015 User Conference Flickr stream – more than 750 photos to take you from early registration until the conference closing!
Esrigram on Instagram – The official Esri Instagram-ographer was there at the event snapping away… I even managed to grab a selfie with him!
On Twitter, Search:
Thanks for sharing all the videos Esri
I’m watching them all streamed to my 42″ HD TV via Google Chromecast… pure Geo Awesomeness!
Do you have the Post-ESRIUC blues?
Don’t worry, ESRIUC 2016 is just around the corner, a little earlier next year! Save The Date – June 27 – July 1, 2016
Did we miss something here? Please leave a comment or Tweet us @GISuser