Why should you present at GIS-Pro?
Proposals for individual presentations, lightning talks, panel discussions and interactive session formats are welcome. But this year, we are encouraging submissions of complete sessions with specific learning objectives to make the attendee experience even more valuable.
The GIS-Pro 2014 Conference Committee has proposed a list of suggested topics organized according to the “3 Pillars of Sustainability”: Society, Environment, and Economy. In addition, the Committee is inviting presentations on GIS Management to highlight best practices in support of GIS projects, and Solution Central, a track to showcase vendor-based solutions to technical challenges.
Visit www.gis-pro.org or www.urisa.org for further details and an online submission form. Submissions must be received by January 27, 2014.
More Education in 2014:
2014 GIS/CAMA Technologies Conference February 24-27, 2014
20th Annual California GIS Conference April 14-16, 2014 Monterey, California
May 5-9, 2014 Calgary, Alberta Canada
GIS-Pro 2014: URISA’s 52nd Annual Conference September 8-11, 2014 New Orleans, Louisiana
October 13-17, 2014 Louisville, Kentucky |