Cambridge, UK, 16th March 2005. Laser-Scan showcased their Radius Topology™ solution alongside their Croatian partner Geofoto in Zagreb on 8-9 March, as part of the highly successful INTERGEO East exhibition.
INTERGEO East provided a great opportunity for Laser-Scan to amplify their presence in Southeast Europe. It was also a platform for the company to meet with Geofoto’s current and potential customers adding support to potential Radius Topology sales by demonstrating its advanced spatial productivity tools in action.
Geofoto work on standardisation, data modelling and total implementation of Geoinformation solutions. They signed a reseller agreement with Laser-Scan in November 2002 to resell Radius Topology in order to enhance their Intergraph and Bentley-based solutions. Laser-Scan’s Radius Topology adds data maintenance and provides a gatekeeper solution to ensure data quality is maintained within the Oracle solutions they create. This added functionality is fundamental for Geofoto’s current and future customers.
Zvonko Biljecki, CEO and President, Geofoto commented:
” The expert knowledge shared between our two companies at this year’s INTERGEO East has been of great value. Getting to know the new products and recent technological developments has both strengthened our existing relationship and confirmed the necessity for future business correlation. This event has built up the position of Geofoto as the partner of Laser-Scan for Southeast Europe. “
Steven Ramage, Product and Marketing Director, Laser-Scan said:
“Geofoto is obviously a highly respected organisation in this market place and we feel confident that together we can deliver business process improvements for customers working with complex spatial data. Geofoto’s enthusiasm and energy makes them a highly important and very valuable part of Laser-Scan’s global reseller network.”
Laser-Scan’s Radius Topology is a dynamic topology management layer that was initially delivered on the Oracle9i platform. It acts as a ‘gatekeeper’, only allowing clean, accurate data into the database. Inconsistent data is automatically corrected, within the bounds of user-defined rules and without any significant disruption to the existing IT workflows. Radius Topology is now also available on Oracle Database 10g as a unique solution for Oracle Locator. It can also be utilised as an application to maintain topology in conjunction with the topology storage mechanism offered through
For more information please contact Abbie Beckford. Tel:
+44 (0)1223 420414,
Fax : +44 (0)1223 420044
About Laser-Scan
Laser-Scan delivers world-class, innovative business solutions for geographic information. Our technology is the result of over 35 years experience in the development of market-leading database products. Laser-Scan offers a new approach to exploiting location data in enterprise information architectures.
About Geofoto
Geofoto earned its reputation in the fields of aerial photography, digital photogrammetric mapping, orthophoto production and cartography in the SEE region. In addition to these activities Geofoto works on standardization, data modelling and total implementation of geoinformation solutions. The company started to operate in 1993. The main office is located in Zagreb, Croatia, and a branch office in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.